Experienced with all stages of
the development.


Freelance Web Developer with 6 years of experience in both frontend and backend web development, primarily focusing on frontend using HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I always seek opportunities where I can continue to grow, both as a web developer and collaborator.

Client : My Portfolio Website

Services : Web Design & Web Development

Technologies : React, Next js, Redux toolkit, LocalStorage, Vercel, Sass and Figma

My personel website portfolio

My portfolio website is a unique way to showcase my work and let others know about myself. A platform for your projects, case studies, and information about me. In addition, it’s one of the best ways to express someone’s personality, experience, and capabilities.

What was the goal of the project?

My goal was to developed the company’s name, logo and a website in order to help the business grow exponentially. The major goal of having a website is that it is accessible to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

I first designed a website flowchart (also known as a sitemap) maps out the structure and complexity of the website:

Final solution

By the end of the project the company was able to achieve its goals such as Brand Awareness, Generate More Leads, Increase Organic Traffic, Improve Customer Experience, 24/7 Online Presence, 24/7 Customer Support, Establish Credibility and Build Trust, Visibility, Marketing, Growth Opportunity.

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